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VPN (known as Virtual Private Network) is a piece of software that lets you redirect all your internet traffic to another server. This can help you hide what you’re doing online when using commercial VPNs, as all of the traffic is mixed in with several other users’ actions.

Exact statistics might be out of date. Last updated on the 20th of July, 2024.

  • AirVPN
    • Starts at €7 a month (~7.62 USD.) Depending on sales and plan lengths, this can be between €5 to €2.75 a month. (~5.44-3 USD.)
    • 257 servers in 22 countries.
    • Allows 5 concurrent devices.
    • Allows port forwarding.
    • No log policy (unproven - although it should be noted that this VPN has existed since 2010 and uses FOSS. It also hasn’t been acquired by any major group or company. If it was discovered to be logged, it would’ve been done by now.)
  • ProtonVPN
    • This has a free plan, but it’s limited to 3 locations and does not allow torrenting.
    • Starts at €10 a month (~10.89 USD.) 1 year plan is priced at €5 a month. (~5.44 USD.)
    • 6349 servers in 100 countries.
    • Allows 10 concurrent devices.
    • Allows port forwarding.
    • No log policy (proven.)
  • Mullvad
    • Flat rate at €5 a month (~5.44 USD.) No sales or discounts.
    • 688 servers in 45 countries.
    • Allows 5 concurrent devices.
    • No port forwarding.
    • No log policy (proven.)

Free Services

  • Windscribe
    • 10GB of monthly data. Requires gmail.
    • 10 countries on the free version.
    • Allows unlimited concurrent devices.
    • Allows port forwarding.
    • No “identifying” logs (unproven.)
  • WARP+
    • 10GB of monthly data. However, this can be worked around. See below for details.
    • 310 servers in 120 countries.
    • Allows 5 concurrent devices.
    • No port forwarding.
    • Limited logs (unproven.)
  • Riseup
    • Unlimited data (although note that this service can be quite slow.)
    • 6 servers in 4 countries.
    • Allows unlimited concurrent devices (there’s no account system, so they can’t implement this anyway.)
    • No port forwarding.
    • No log policy (unproven - although with their ideology, it’s very likely they’re not lying.)

Unlimited WARP+ data

There are several ways you can get unlimited data on WARP+, which can make it worthwhile to use (despite its limitations.) However, WARP tracks data and can do hardware bans if found. This is why we use a WireGuard config using WGCF instead:

(This part has been adapted from this rentry guide.)

  1. Download the latest release of WGCF here.
  2. Rename the file to wgcf
  3. Open Terminal.
    • If you’re on Windows 10 or below, open Command Prompt.
  4. Change your working directory to your Downloads folder:
    • Windows: cd %userprofile%/Downloads
    • Mac: cd ~/Downloads
    • Linux: Usually cd ~/Downloads (depends on the distro, but you should already know your folder.)
  5. Run wgcf register, then wgcf generate.
    • You will now have two files: wgcf-profile.conf and wgcf-account.toml.
  6. Open the WARP app and go to Account settings. Copy the account key here.
  7. Open wgcf-account.toml in your text editor (Notepad, TextEdit, Kate, etc.) Replace the license_key field with your account key.
  8. Run wgcf update and wgcf generate.

You can now import the wgcf-profile.conf file to any Wireguard client in order to use WARP safely.


As for generating unlimited data:

  • nxvvvv/warp-plus
    • Simple Python script hosted on
  • totoroterror/warp-cloner
    • Simple Python script that you run on local hardware.
  • &
    • Telegram services that uses keys. The former is a group that regularly posts unlimited data keys, the latter is a bot that can auto generate them. (Note that you will have to replace your license_key, update and regenerate.)

Torrent clients

For use with torrent clients, you’ll want to “bind” the VPN to it. This will prevent the client from working without a VPN, thus preventing any ISP notices.


It should also be noted that port forwarding should be set up if your service supports it. Port forwarding allows you to connect to peers that have their ports closed, which means you can have better speeds.

First, you’ll want to have a port opened on the VPN side:


Now to set it on the torrent client side: